Management Drives profile

Your personal values and drives largely determine the choices you make in work and life. Therefore it is important to develop insight in the values and drives that give you energy, and in those that cost you energy. Knowledge on what moves you, what drives you and what your pitfalls are is helpful when you want to improve on effectiveness. You will develop self-conciousness and the capacity to deal with issues that come up in work and in collaboration (meetings, project teams, etc).

The Management Drives profile can be used as a tool for personal and professional development. In the mobile app you will find inspiring tips and feedback based on your profile, and your will be able to share with other team members as to the best ways to collaborate.


A Management Drives profile helps to:

  • Improve self-consciousness
  • To know what drives you and how you address tasks
  • Give insight in your pitfalls and rejections
  • Show what gives energy and what costs energy
  • Create space for new choices and agreements
  • Orientate on development of skills and competences
  • Strengthen your capacity of self-management.



Fill in online questionnaire

  • Immediate reception of MD Profile by mail
  • Download MD-app and invite colleagues to share their MD-profile
  • Use app to explore the profile and experiment with the tips

(Online) coaching session

  • interpretation and contextualisation of profile
  • Develop learning objectives and plan follow-up sessions if necessary.

Time investment

In order to get your profile by mail, you will fill in a questionnaire, which takes about 20 minutes. After studying you will receive a 1 hour (online) coaching session to discuss your findings and determine your learning points.

The MD profile can be added to the general CiEP training and coaching program, or be taken independently. More coaching can be added if required.


  • Intake
  • Access to online MD questionnaire
  • Personal report
  • Mobile MD application


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Your personal values and drives largely determine the choices you make in work and life....